If you have any suggestions for how we can improve the Innovation Gateway, please use this space to add your suggestion. We routinely review suggestions and add them to our development roadmap.
You must be signed in to submit a request. Use the Log in button on the top right of this page, otherwise you won’t see the
+Add new topic
- Go to the Feature request category page
- Click
+Add new topic
- Describe your suggestion (there will be a template which you can use)
We will be notified of any new requests and aim to reply as soon as we can. After we receive your request we will:
- Ask any clarification questions if needed
- Add your request to our open feature request table
- Reply to your original request with a link which you can use to track your request
- Send you an automatic notification when your suggestion is implemented by the development team
You can see an example of a suggestion and the process that follows.
If you have any questions, please feel free to add them here. We’ll reply as soon as we can.