Community forum
This is an open space to discuss health research topics, feedback on the Gateway functionality and comment on resources such as datasets. Everyone is welcome to join existing discussions or start a new topic.

Gateway usability testing

We are looking to do some general usability testing on the Gateway to ensure its working well for all users and document any feedback to inform our future developments.

The sessions are flexible and will be arranged for a time and date that suits you. The session can be on general site testing or can be on a specific part of the site that you perhaps find of interest such as search or the data access request process.

What will happen for the sessions:

• You will be given a link to an online meeting e.g Microsoft Teams/Google Hangouts

• Our design team will run you through some screen-based exercises that will help us understand how users interact with the site and how we can structure the website so that it is useful and easy to understand.

• We may ask you to write short sentences on the chat (for instance to answer questions like, “Which option do you think is best, 1 or 2?”), or ask you to further explain your answers out loud (“Why did you choose that?”)

• There are no wrong answers, and you don’t have to prepare anything ahead of time

If you are interested please comment below or email and we will get back to you with some more information and schedule a date.

I am interested in this!

Thanks Aden! Will email you with details shortly