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HDR UK supporting mobilising computable biomedical knowledge in the UK

Lay Summary

Computable biomedical knowledge (CBK) represents an evolving area of health informatics, with potential for rapid translational patient benefit. Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) is the national Institute for Health Data Science, whose aim is to unite the UK’s health data to enable discoveries that improve people’s lives. The three main components include the UK HDR Alliance of data custodians, committed to making health data available for research and innovation purposes for public benefit while ensuring safe use of data and building public trust, the HDR Hubs, as centres of expertise for curating data and providing expert domain-specific services, and the HDR Innovation Gateway (‘Gateway’), providing discovery, accessibility, security and interoperability services. To support CBK developments, HDR UK is encouraging use of open data standards for research purposes, with guidance around areas in which standards are emerging, aims to work closely with the international CBK community to support initiatives and aid with evaluation and collaboration, and has established a phenomics workstream to create a national platform for dissemination of machine readable and computable phenotypical algorithms to reduce duplication of effort and improve reproducibility in clinical studies.


Sebire NJ, Cake C, Morris AD.

Original content: Health Data Research Innovation Gateway