Community forum
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How can we build a better research landscape to improve gender inequality in health data science?

Around the world women are still significantly underrepresented in science – only 33% of all researchers are women, and in disciplines like data science and artificial intelligence their representation falls even further to 26%. Women are also typically given smaller research grants compared to their male colleagues, and their work is reported less frequently in high-profile journals.

  • How can we improve the current research system to inspire the next generation of health data scientists?

  • And what would this mean for patients and the public in the future?

Please share your stories of support and empowerment below!

If you would like to share your thoughts on a related topic not covered by these specific threads, you are most welcome to start a new discussion point in the forum. To get going, click on the New Topic button, add a title and a bit context in the text box, and select the Women in Science category.

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I think flexibility in the workplace and longer (permanent?) contracts would be a good start, especially for early career researchers. Simply listening goes a long way too. We also need to challenge stereotypes and advocate for more women in leadership roles. Some insightful words from the ICR and CUPA.

Also love this from @olivia.swann on Twitter :slight_smile: