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📺 How to edit a paper

You can search research papers and view their details. You can also add your own papers and link to the original.


  • View your active projects
  • Edit your project
  • Republish edited project


To edit your paper, access your account. You can access your account from the homepage by clicking the ‘View account’ link in the top right hand corner of the screen.

If you want to access your account from the resource search and resource detail pages you will find the link in the right hand corner. Select your name to bring up a selection of specific areas in your account that you can visit, as well as the option to log out.

Select the paper tab and you will be taken to a page where you can see the papers that are active on the Gateway and available to edit. Select the actions dropdown and you will have the choice to edit or archive your paper.

To edit, select edit. You will be taken to the paper form that will be pre-filled with the information about the paper. I’m going to change the journal year to 2020. Once you’ve made you change, scroll down and select update. Your paper has now been successfully updated – as you can see, the journal year has changed from 2018 to 2020.