Community forum
This is an open space to discuss health research topics, feedback on the Gateway functionality and comment on resources such as datasets. Everyone is welcome to join existing discussions or start a new topic.

📺 How to view dataset details

You can search for the datasets that you need and view information about them, including technical details. You can make an enquiry to request access.


  • View dataset details
  • View meta-data quality


Once you’ve searched for a dataset, you can view it in more detail by clicking on the dataset title.

On this header you can see the title, the publisher, the keyword tags and the amount of views. You are also able to see the metadata quality. Meta-data quality relates to how much information is available about the dataset, and the quality of this information.

This rating does not relate to the actual quality of the dataset.

You can click on the rating, which in this example, is gold. You are given further information, including the percentage rate of qualifiers that make up this rating, such as the error rate and completeness.

Below the header the about page is broken into sections. These sections detail key information about the dataset, such as the description, release date, data access rights, coverage and demographics.

Any resources that have been linked by users on the Gateway, like tools, projects, papers or other datasets, would be visible under the related resources tab.

This provides users with an overview of what other resources would be useful to them if they’re interested in this dataset. You are able to click through to see the detail pages of any resources in this tab. Users can also specify the relationship between the two resources, which you’ll be able to see on this tab.

Lastly, there is a fixed action bar that remains on the page no matter where you navigate. This bar gives you the option to see technical details and to request access to the dataset.

The technical details allow you to see more information about the dataset itself, such as any attributes.

Back on the dataset page - the request access button will take you to a form where you are asked to fill in your details and information about your intent for using the dataset.