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Sort order of resources in a Collection

From Lydia Martin, Cathie Sudlow (BHF DSC)
How is the list order in a collection compiled? In the CVD-COVID-UK collection, we have added projects and datasets and at the moment projects appear first but not in alphanumeric order. Datasets also not listed in alphabetical order. The order changes every time the page is refreshed.

What do you want to be able to do?
I would like the resources to be sorted alphabetically or in the order added to the collection

Why is this important?
This needs to be consistent as it is challenging when looking to see if an item has been added or removed and could be confusing for other people looking to see what is in the collection.

Any suggestions for how we could solve this?
Either have a mechanism to sort via drop-down or have a consistent static sort order

Thanks for the feedback! We have added your suggestion to our backlog.

You can track the progress of your suggestion here

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