I feel like an imposter every single day and I remember talking about my phd and work struggles to my uncle (economist) and his response remains with me to this day…(verbatim from memory)
"The reason you feel this way is because…
When you do ambitious and important work that hasn’t been done before, you can’t be 100% it’s going to work, because it is, by definition never been done before at least by you. You are stretching far beyond your abilities and that is a good thing. Keep going.
You think, the scientists at NASA knew how to exactly put a person on the moon? You think, Neil knew?
You think, Jeff Bezos knew exactly knew to create a multi-trillion-dollar company?
You think, Rosalind knew exactly how to calibrate the X-rays to deduce the shape of DNA?
You think, Tim knew what he was doing when he connected hypertext with TCP and DNS?
You think, Rosa, knew how the face of US politics would change when she sat alone, in that bus?
You think, Darwin knew what he was looking for when he came you with the theory of evolution?
You think, Elinor (his fav. Economist) set out to get her Nobel prize in economics?
NO. NO. NO. All of these achievements only look great in hindsight, not when they first put pen to paper.
If you only do the things you are only capable of doing, you would end up doing nothing of value. So instead of denying how you feel, look at the fear as a symptom of doing something challenging, welcome it, embrace it, understand the fear. speak to it like a friend who pushes you to be better. The harder you try to make it go away, the more powerful and debilitating it becomes.
Every single one of those people felt like an imposter. Forget about what any mumbo-jumbo help books might say - You should compare yourself to them, not to feel inadequate, but to learn and stand on their shoulders. Learn how they saw the world a little differently, but more importantly how they persevered through the fear. They stood on the shoulders of others. You can too!"